11 May 2014
Category Blog
11 May 2014,

How a Private Investigator Can Help With an Insurance Fraud Case

Recently, there has been an increase in insurance fraud situations, which means that private investigators have been busier helping insurance adjusters to uncover the truth about the cases. People are more likely to sue or claim that they deserve an insurance payout, and it is common for the truth to be twisted in order for the person to get a bigger payout from the insurance company. If you suspect that insurance fraud is occurring, then you should contact an Edinburgh private investigator as soon as possible. A private investigator can help with life insurance, workplace injury compensation, and accident insurance fraud cases.

Workplace Injury Compensation

Sometimes, an accident may occur at work which requires the insurance company to pay out medical costs and other expenses. These situations might be legit, but there are many more situations where the injured person is exaggerating the injury in order to gain access to more disability benefits. When a small accident occurs at work and then it is exaggerated, it is known as a “soft fraud,” because the person is taking advantage of the accident.

A private investigator in Glasgow can look into the situation in order to determine if the person was really injured. In some cases, they might view the injured person participating in strenuous activities, which might mean that the injury was represented incorrectly. This evidence can help to prove the facts in a workplace injury situation.

Accident Insurance Fraud

There are times when an accident might occur, and the injured person may change the evidence in order to exaggerate the injury and damage. For example, the accident might happen, followed by a staged collision in order to damage the car more severely.

When you hire a private investigator in Edinburgh to help with accident fraud, they will examine all of the evidence in order to determine the true events that occurred during the accident. By looking at the scene of the accident, they can uncover details which will help to prove the fraudulent claims.

Fraudulent Life Insurance Claims

Life insurance is paid out when a person has passed away, but there have been situations where an individual has faked their death in order to collect the life insurance money. This type of fraud is not common, but if it occurs then it is very important that you are working with a Glasgow private investigator in order to uncover the truth.

A private investigator will examine information such as finding out who opened the life insurance policy and when it was opened. Additionally, the investigator will interview family members and use surveillance techniques in order to determine if there is any evidence that the person might still be alive.

If you are trying to uncover the truth about insurance fraud, then hiring a private investigator might be one of the best things that you can do. A highly trained investigator can uncover information that you could not find on your own, and they will help you to understand the facts so that you can see the fraudulent portion of the insurance claim.

Contact Us

If you require a Private Investigator in Glasgow or anywhere in the Central Scotland then our Investigators are on call 24/7.  Sika SIA initial consultancy is free and our team will give you peace of mind.  Contact us by phone or by email and we will ensure that strict confidentiality is maintained throughout.